Money Matters in the Cloud: A Trailblazers guide to navigating the financial come-up

11:45 AM - 12:30 PM

Salon I

Entering the Salesforce ecosystem often brings exciting career opportunities and significant salary increases. Navigating this transition can be challenging, especially when you do not know where to start. In this empowering session, I will discuss and share invaluable insights to help Salesforce professionals establish a solid financial foundation. This session is designed to empower you with the financial knowledge needed to overcome the challenge of not knowing where to start, navigate income increases responsibly, and guard against income creep. Whether you're a recent entrant to the Salesforce ecosystem or an experienced professional looking to enhance your financial well-being, this session promises to be a valuable investment in your financial future.

Key Highlights:

  1. Budgeting for Success:
    • Learn practical budgeting strategies to no longer view a budget as a 6-lettered curse word.
  2. Retirement Planning Made Simple:
    • Unravel the complexities of retirement planning and discover straightforward approaches to secure your financial future. Gain insights into employer-sponsored plans, individual retirement accounts (IRAs), and the power of compound interest.
  3. Foundational Financial Principles:
    • Explore essential financial principles, including debt management, emergency funds, and the role of credit. Understand how these foundations contribute to long-term financial health and resilience.
  4. Navigating Increased Income and Income Creep:
    • Address the unique challenges and opportunities that come with a significant salary increase, including the potential for income creep. Learn strategies for

Photo of Brian Owens

Brian Owens