Empowering Users with Configurable Custom Objects

9:45 AM - 10:30 AM

Salon II

The goal of this session is to illustrate how to create dynamic solutions using custom configuration objects.

Custom configuration objects allow trusted users to create and maintain dynamic information in Salesforce without altering application meta data. By moving configurations from admin/developer teams to trusted users it allows for quick and flexible changes to Salesforce without admin/developer teams being involved.

Configuration objects are custom objects that are used to store settings, options, or other dynamic variables used in the Salesforce organization. Examples of configuration objects use cases are default tasks and events for clients, release notes, custom error messaging, products, product options, fees and discounts, and many more.

Unlike custom settings, users can access these through custom applications or tabs, then report on these objects and their relations. Custom objects allow for an unlimited number of records and a larger variety of custom field types.

In this session, we will demonstrate how custom configuration objects are used to create and maintain a product catalog that includes user defined products, product options, product fees, and product discounts. As the product’s variables change over the lifecycle of the product, the trusted user can define new product options, add or expire discounts and fees, and create new products. These products can be offered based on specific client parameters that could include client size, partner relationships or other custom configurations.

An additional use case in this demo is how custom configuration objects are utilized in the creation of templated contract agreements defined and maintained by the finance and sales departments. These templates allow the application of pre-negotiated fees, commissions, and performance guarantees based on specific negotiations with marketing partners. These templates are created and maintained by the members of the finance team and applied to prospect or renewal opportunities as certain opportunity stages are reached. The templates are driven by multiple variables in the opportunity that include the specified marketing partner, the overall size of the opportunity, and the total number of closed won opportunities associated with that marketing partner over a specified time.

Templated contract agreements allow users to ensure the correct fees and commissions are incorporated into the opportunity early in the sales cycle. This ensures that the correct amounts are calculated into the overall deal and allows the business to avoid retroactively applying any additional fees or discounts outside of our standard amounts.

Photo of Amy Knowles

Amy Knowles