The Surviving & Thriving Handbook for Accidental Admins

9:45 AM - 10:30 AM

Conference 2


Discover the accidental admin's journey in nonprofits - juggling multiple roles, facing challenges, and thriving amidst the unexpected responsibilities. Gain practical tips to succeed and balance other work responsibilities effectively in this engaging presentation. Attendees will leave with 5 actionable and results driven strategies for improving their effectiveness and efficiency in their accidental adminship. The presentation mixes a personal narrative of my time as an overworked and under resourced accidental admin, a relatable position for many in the Salesforce ecosystem, with concrete solutions that are scalable to fit a variety of business needs and sizes. This session will appeal to nonprofit and for profit admins alike and will provide insight and a laugh or two to even the most seasoned admin. At its core, this session highlights how a stretched thin accidental admin can delight and engage their end users, leverage their existing resources, and kick butt and take names with less time and effort!

Photo of Abbey Freund

Abbey Freund

CRM Strategist


She / Her First SED