Demystifying Pub/Sub API

2:55 PM - 3:20 PM

Conference E


Learn how to leverage the power of this modern infrastructure and transition to event-driven architectures building with confidence.

After more than a year of being Generally Available, Pub/Sub API has proven to be a top-notch solution for event-driven integrations in distributed architectures. Thanks to the consolidation of subscription, publishing, and description into a single interface, along with improved performance and all the other benefits, it's easier to develop scalable and real-time solutions.

We want to share our lessons learned and show the tools we've created to facilitate the adoption and simplify the implementation, deployment, and maintenance even more.

We also include benchmarking tests to demonstrate why Pub/Sub API is a real option to consider when communicating between systems.

Photo of Gabriel Juarez

Gabriel Juarez

Salesforce Tech Lead


First SED